Safety Speakers all over Australia for Safety Month
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As you read this newsletter we are coming to the end of Safety Month for 2019. We have been involved in safety month for many years now and it’s great to see the effort that some workplaces put in during October.

But we can’t just leave it until next October to try and focus on workplace safety.
Let’s make a goal of less MTI’s or Near Hits in the next 12 months.
Set your workplace a target and work towards doing better than last year.

All of our Safety Speakers shared stories at workplaces this month, and if by listening to our experiences it stops even one person from getting hurt or killed then it has been worth it.

Stay Safe Australia

As part of Safety Month Michael Weston went on week long roadshow with PGH Bricks & Pavers throughout the suburbs of Sydney.

Sharing his ‘Head Above Water’ real life lived experience story to all the teams at each site was incredibly well received and the honest, raw & emotional feedback from attendees has been wonderful.

This is a return visit for CNBSafe to PGH Bricks & Pavers with Anton & Alan visiting various sites at last years Safety Month, we greatly appreciate the support of the two Debbie's, Merrit and all the PGH Bricks & Pavers team.

Click photo to see all the pictures from Michael's visit

Woody here...

I spent the last couple of days at the Mulla Mulla Village in Western Australia. This accommodation facility houses workers and contractors for BHP's South Flank project.

Happy to report that it’s probably the best mine site village that I’ve ever stayed in.

Tim & Fiona the Mulla Mulla Village passes the Woody test.

Well done to everyone involved.

Alan Newey popped down to Tasmania to share his 'Human Side of Safety' message for the Unions Tasmania conferences held in Hobart & Launceston.

'We found Alan's presentation riveting and highly relevant. Sharing his personal story cut through to Health and Safety Representatives in a way that other speakers would not be able to do, and gave a full picture of the impacts of workplace injury.'  Marta Hodul Lenton - Unions Tasmania

Click photo to see all the pictures from Alan's visit
Alan Newey - Unions Tasmania

Rohan Sykes flew to Mackay for Safety Month to tell his story to the guys & girls at Sedgman at the Souths Leagues Club Mackay.

Rohan's message about communication in the workplace and the impact you can have on other people's safety always has a powerful impact.

City of Wagga Wagga  

Michelle Rath and her husband Rob ventured back to Wagga Wagga this month, a town where they once lived as a family when their boys were younger.

Together they shared Alex's Story to the team at City of Wagga Wagga where the feedback was that the staff found their real life story incredibly touching.
Woody and Defence

This month I was privileged to be asked to participate in the Department of Defence Safety Symposium in Canberra. I shared my story with some powerful decision makers and people responsible for keeping defence personnel safe while doing their jobs.

It’s quite ironic that we ask people to risk their lives to defend our country however we ask them to stay safe while doing it.

Thanks to all the service men and women for the job you do and thanks for listening to my message. Woody

James Wood is listed in the Top 16 LinkedIn EHS Influencers for 2019. Click to Download Ebook

Coming in at No.8 and the only Australian on the list shows that James is committed and passionate about sharing safety messages on a global level.

Follow James on LinkedIn

Where we will be in November, December & January

These are the locations we will be in during the next couple of months. If you would like someone to visit your workplace please get in touch and we will see if we can do it while we are there. It will save you some travel costs….
Coming to a Region near you

Keep in touch with where our Safety Speakers will be and if they are coming to your region.  

All of our Workplace Safety Speakers will travel anywhere in Australia and New Zealand… let us know where you would like us to visit.

They may just be in your location very soon… save this page to keep in touch.

Contact Vanessa on or +61 3 9730 2900 to Book you Safety Speaker today
Visit the Safety Blog and check out Safety Resources

Safety Blog
Safety Resources

I sent a message to the other
Safety Speakers late last year and asked them to give me a statement or a sentence about what they enjoy about sharing their stories.

Here are a couple of our reasons: Why we do what we do..
Wheels in Motion
CNBSAFE Safety Speakers, PO Box 310, Yarra Glen Victoria 3775, Australia

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