How sick are we all of hearing these words! How sick are we of the changes the pandemic has brought us all! How sick are we of even talking about COVID! I can see how
some people are struggling to deal with COVID….. I am!
So here is how things have changed for me over the last few months...
I have not been to work since early March, my workplace visits have completely stopped. Normally I’m away at least a couple of days each week. This means I’ve been home more than I ever have, the battery on my car is flat because I’m just not using it. My dog is not used to seeing me so much and doesn’t wag his tail when he sees me. I’ve put on 10KG as I’m eating out of boredom. I haven’t been motorbike (I ride a quad bike) riding with my son since January. My daughter in law & son had a baby and we could not see him for a week due to lockdown. I’ve spent a fortune on eBay, Wish and Catch of the day internet shopping and I’ll be receiving packages for the next 3 months.
having said this I look at how we (Australia) has fared compared to some of the other countries in the world. I don’t really like ScoMo, I don’t really like Albo. But I have been somewhat impressed with SOME of the ways they have managed the country during this Pandemic.
One thing I’d like to see change is the way that politicians talk and treat each other, there is a real “Nastiness” in some of them. We need to bring back a bit of respect and courtesy to each other. If you watch Parliament on TV they all act like kids and it’s just horrible.
If you have not heard of Zoom in the last few months you must be living on another planet. Since the Covid-19 crisis...
Microsoft Teams
Google Meets
...have all become our new way of communicating, having meetings and even celebrating birthdays or special events.
We are part of the NEW way of communicating and have been sharing our stories via electronic delivery.
Yesterday I was on a call with about 60 people from Westernport Water in Melbourne and it was almost as if we were in the same room together. I had live questions and answers and we had the opportunity to type questions
while someone was presenting.
It’s the NEW way of doing business and training. If you would like to arrange a call or video from one of our Safety Speakers please give Vanessa a call to arrange a time.
Hey, how many times have you had to stop work because of weather or a mechanical shutdown, and you think..
‘Great opportunity to run some training!’
Or a new employee starts and you want to give them a strong safety message?
Or you are planning a regular safety day and are stuck for ideas on what to share?
Or as we are currently experiencing the impact of a Pandemic, you just don’t want to get all your people together in the same room at the same time?
You might have seen Safety Annie pop up on your feed over the last few months?
Safety Annie has been sharing her 8 year old views on Safety, good habits to create and how she has coped in isolation.
Well somebody else has noticed Safety Annie!
Recently we received an email from a production company in the USA asking if they could use Safety Annie’s video’s in a feature documentary they are making about what people did during COVID-19 and
life in isolation around the globe.
It turns out that the filmmakers of this documentary are Sean Bradley and Bob Saget who plays the part of Danny Tanner in the long running sitcom Full House & Fuller House.
As luck would have it Safety Annie is a huge fan of Full House and has watched all seasons. We let the producers know this and we were slightly gobsmacked a couple of days later to receive a video message from
the man himself Bob...aka Danny Tanner.
Watch his message to Safety Annie below and her response when she saw the video for the first time!
A huge thank you to Bob for this message and Safety Annie looks forward to keeping in touch. 🙏
Safety Annie Says Stay Safe Australia
Let's get our kids thinking about safety in the right way...