This will be interesting! The annual safety month is fast approaching, which is normally the time where workplaces do something 'Different' and try to bring more of a focus on workplace safety.
This year it will be hard to draw attention away from the current COVID-19 pandemic.
So why not make the focus all about working safely with COVID19.
Safe Work Australia has done this and put together a comprehensive resource list for businesses operating during the pandemic.
I’ve had a read
through it and there is a lot of information about ways that we can continue to work during this virus. I can only imagine the work that has gone into putting this together in a relatively short time.
I’d urge you all to jump on their web site and have a read. You can never have enough information when dealing with something that is new to all of us. Safe Work Australia
Since the first lockdown I have been lucky enough to still share my story with workplaces via ZOOM, WebEx, Teams or other media platforms.
It’s taken a bit of time to get used to talking to a plastic box and a screen; there is no feedback, no eye contact, no emotion.
But I’m slowly working it out. I’m guessing that this will be the way that some workplaces do things for a while
My most recent session was with SGS Australia to approximately 130 employees all working remotely.
I was a little concerned about this many attendees but pleasantly surprised as to how well it went. Especially the Q&A session at the end as there were some great questions. I think the fact that some people were in their own environment made them comfortable enough to ask things that they may not have asked in front of their workmates?
Anyway, get in touch with me if you want a Virtual Woody session at your site.
So here is a question for you, how much would you be willing to spend on a bike?
I got a new bike recently as my old one is 15 years old and was starting to cost more than it’s worth to repair it. So I bit the bullet and decided to order a new bike.
I put the order in last October and it arrived in July! Some of this was due to COVID delays, but it is also custom built to suit my height, size and weight, so manufacturing it and customising it to fit takes
But here’s the killer, It was built in Poland, so by the time they put it together and freighted it to Australia it cost just over $20,000…… YES That’s 20 THOUSAND! Dollars.
See this is the thing about an injury or a disability, there is no
production line turning out hundreds of these bikes each day. Many of them are custom built to suit the user. So the time and effort is obviously going to cost more.
But seriously $20,000 for a hand-powered mountain bike?
I’d like to hear from any of you that have bikes and how much you paid for yours!
So just think about that for a minute; the cost of equipment, wheelchairs, modifications to your house?
Don’t hurt yourself, it costs a fortune in more ways than one.