Thanks RSEA Safety great to have you as a sponsor
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Wheels in Motion Newsletter
October 2020  
Ok so think about this for a minute.

Most of us interact with other people regularly, you speak to your partner, you argue with your kids, you converse with your workmates and colleagues.

So how hard do you think it would be to have a conversation with a piece of plastic?

Well that is what myself and the other speakers have been doing for the last couple of months.

With COVID-19 we have been restricted from travelling, so most of our presentations have been by Zoom, WebEx, Teams etc. (communication platforms) and I’ll be the first to say it’s been Bloody Hard!

Normally you can look at the person you are speaking to, pick up on facial expressions or body language. But when you speak to a computer you get Nothing, Nada, Zip!
You have to try and pretend you are speaking to a real person, you have to smile, frown, laugh when appropriate, you have to try and imagine what they are thinking while you are speaking, and you have to think of what they are thinking about what you have just said. Then you also have to try and deal with any delays in audio, poor internet connection, and them not hearing what you said correctly!

It’s a nightmare!
But guess what people, get used to it because we will be doing it for a while.

Technology will improve.
We will learn how to use it better.
There will be a whole new etiquette on how we work with these platforms.
Some of us will deal with it and others will struggle.

For me personally, I have enjoyed the challenge of trying to deliver as strong a message on safety as if I were there in person……. But it’s bloody hard!

Here are the clients that have had Live Online presentations this month...working together to make this new way work!

Thank you....

Have you ever sat in a wheelchair?
Have you spent time using a wheelchair?
Or here's my favourite one...
Have you ever been confined to a wheelchair?

You see it's not until you have used a wheelchair that you can really understand some of the challenges that come with it.

Join Westy and Woody as they share their experiences of using a wheelchair in this Safety Speaker Video Chat.

Click on names below to watch more Speaker Chats

COVID-19 has thrown me and many others some challenges over the last few months. One of them has been to stimulate me mentally and physically.

So in September, I was sent an advertisement for The Great Cycle Challenge, a bike ride to raise funds and fight kids cancer.

So I asked Vanessa if she wanted to do it and we also roped in our niece who has just turned 13. You can set your own challenge for the distance you ride and the amount you want to raise. So we set ourselves a goal of riding 400km and raising $1000.

Happy to report that we have exceeded both.

But it’s not too late if you would like to support us, it’s for a great cause and it will make me feel better.

Here’s a link...

But it’s worth mentioning that it has helped us too. The fact that we have a goal to achieve has motivated us to ride more than we normally would and stimulated our interest in doing something for others….. So stay tuned for the next challenge!

A while ago I met with RSEA Safety and had a chat with them about what we do. They offered to provide us with some new shirts which we will be wearing both online and eventually, when we can get out into the real world!

Thanks RSEA Safety great to have you as a sponsor.

Meet the CNBSafe shirt models....Ness, Woody & Michael!

This was the most impacting, relevant presentation I have seen since working with council. James covered physical and emotional impacts of his injuries both from a personal level and from friends and family as well.
James focused on the importance of self accountability and self responsibility and how in his case it was ultimately his choices that have put him in the position he is in. James promoted looking out for others and that it is everyone’s responsibility to work safely. I was also impressed with how James answered the questions and the perspective he provided.

Benjamin Cosgrove - Health & Safety Advisor
Sunshine Coast Council

I loved Michaels ability to peel back a very difficult and complex subject in a way that is (real, transparent and factual), we all are told or reminded to "be in the present, practice mindfulness and be kind to yourself", its almost the modern mantra for 2020. If you really want to know why you should take this advice seriously, I suggest taking one hour to listen to Michael would be a good start.

Bob Dixon - CEO
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CNBSAFE Safety Speakers, PO Box 310, Yarra Glen Victoria 3775, Australia

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