Site visits are back - Woody's Book is Released
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CNB Safe
Wheels in Motion


Blatant sales plug here...but if you want to read one of the best safety books you will ever read then you need to get a copy of my short book.

Written in Woody language it’s a no frills account of some of the reasons we should all be working safely and going home at the end of each shift.

Not one safety chart or statistic, but plenty of good information on how getting hurt is really F@#*ed.

Cheaper than a couple of beers at your local pub, might not make you feel as good but if it stops someone from getting hurt then it’s worth it.

C’mon, make Woody a Best Seller

12 Reasons NOT to get hurt at work
12 Reasons NOT to get Hurt at work
“Woody’s book is brutal. It reflects the seriousness of the incident that changed James’ life and those around him but is not always a “serious book”. Any book like this needs levity.

The book serves its purpose as an honest response to many of the questions that James is asked every time he speaks to workers and managers. The choice of language reflects James’ voice but also the voices of his readers and his audiences.

This book is nothing like a glossy self-help about coping with trauma. It reflects the reality faced by James and hundreds of other people who are seriously injured at work. The clear, but never simple, lesson is ‘Don’t hurt yourself’.
Kevin Jones


Safety appears to have many different meanings to many different people. However, if you look it up, there are also many interpretations. For me this is as simple as it gets.

'Being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury'.

If you interpret this condition, it is one where we are ALL at risk at some time or another.

So with October being Safety Month, it has made me better understand that with the amount of travelling that I am doing, that I am prepared to put my own safety at risk.  I say this only because of these current COVID times.

I understand that we all need to pick our battles, but for me, to bring Alex’s story to you, it far outweighs the risks and will always be a worthy one!


It’s been a long time coming, especially for us down here in Victoria. But it looks like we will soon be back on the road and able to visit workplaces.

Normally October is our busiest month, I can recall doing 6-8 flights a week in recent years visiting workplaces. But COVID changed all that.

Hopefully with vaccination rates rising and borders opening we will get back to a new normal very soon. See below for some recent site visit pictures.
Safety Speakers
'Helping workers embrace Safety by turning a bunch of rules into a way of life.'
CNBSafe Safety Speakers

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