CNBSafe Safety Speakers
Wheels in Motion Newsletter
February 2018 Newsletter
Edition 110

Hello Friend,

End of February already....I am still wishing people Happy New Year!

We have updated our look... the new CNBSafe website was launched last week.
Take a browse and lets us know what you think... as with everything it is a
constant work in progress so we welcome Feedback!

Talking Feedback... What do you do with Feedback? I ask this question...
Alan updates us and Rohan has been running with a special baton.

If you have any questions for me or any of the Safety Speakers
please get in touch and we can have a chat.

Stay Safe Australia and the World!

Take care and look out for each other.
James Wood & The CNBSafe Team

Bek & Vanessa... the behind the scenes CNBSafe engine room crew have been busy creating our new look CNBSafe website.

We launched this last week and are very excited to share this with you.

As with all new things we will be testing and tweaking over the next few weeks to make sure everything is operational.

So feel free to share you positive and constructive feedback so we can ensure this works for you.

What do you do with the Feedback you ask for?

Most of us are constantly trying to improve what we do, whether its providing products, delivering a service or training and information.

And to help us improve what we do many people and organisations ask for feedback.

But what do you do with the feedback you get

We use it as a tool to improve the service we provide, negative feedback is a great way to improve and to strive to ensure that other clients do not give us the same negative feedback. We also use it to change our business, if a few clients give us the same feedback or ask the same questions we include this in future training.

But how would you feel if you provide feedback to someone that ASKS for your feedback and you do not know if they used it in any way or even acknowledge the fact that you have provided them with this information?

So here is my story... I recently booked a room with a large hotel chain, I'm not sure if I should identify them so I won't (for now)... Travelling for someone in a wheelchair has its challenges, I need an accessible room with the appropriate bathroom facilities. In the past if I found a room that is good I tend to use them again and again as I can "Rely" on it working and not worry that it is not "Friendly" to my needs.

I had work in one city for most of the day then I drove 2 hours to where I was staying overnight and working the following day. I parked the car and got my wheelchair and bags out and entered reception to check in only to be told that the "Accessible" room that I had booked was not available and there were no other accessible rooms.
I asked what had happened as I had confirmed paperwork that said I had booked an accessible room, the staff informed me that someone had given the room to another guest.

They offered me another room that was not wheelchair friendly or they said they would ring around the area and see if they could find a room that was available and suitable! But as it was the end of a looong day I asked to see if the room that they offered me would do for the night..... (The bedroom was ok but I struggled to use the bathroom and needed a shower chair which they did not have so they said they would send a staff member to Bunnings to buy a plastic chair!)

Ok so you get the picture?

I just want to shower and then sleep but I'm unable to do it in the room that I booked. Now here's where I say that I understand that something went wrong. The staff member that gave my room to another guest obviously did not see that it had been booked by me (And confirmed by the hotel)..... So it was a simple mistake and as frustrating as it was at the time I understand that mistakes can be made.

However two days later I received an email thanking me for staying at this hotel and they value my loyalty and if there is any feedback that I would like to provide please take the time to fill out a short survey or if you would like to email the group GM here is his direct email address!

So I filled out the survey and pressed "Send" and was dutifully thanked for my time, but then I copied the email address and wrote an email to the group GM and told him of my recent experience at this hotel. I was quite clear in that I understood it was a mistake and that I was writing to bring his attention to it in the hope that they could look at what could be done to make sure it did not happen again. I told him that I did not want anyone to get in trouble for it and I also did not require any compensation for my inconvenience..... (Although a free beer or meal offer would have helped to make things better on the night)

That was 3 weeks ago! And I have not heard anything from the Group GM or the hotel involved.

Now I don't really care..... Maybe they have done something about it or it is being actioned as we speak? But it would have been nice to receive some short acknowledgement for me sending the feedback email!
But it did get me thinking about how my business can better deal with any feedback that we receive and I will definitely answer any emails personally!

What do you do when you get FEEDBACK?

Bionic arm is moving forward…. 2 steps at the moment and then 1 step back, very frustrating!

The flow on from this is overcompensating with the left arm so I now have a few issues with the left arm.
Well I cannot have the left arm out of operation as that could cause some issues.
Will keep you all updated as thing progress.

I have been nominated as a finalist at the Hunter Safety Awards and attending the awards night on March 16th in Newcastle.
Keeping my real fingers and phantom fingers crossed!!

Great to see a mine site I visited take safety so seriously.
There was a serious hand injury at this site and I saw the boss talking to his workers fighting back tears.
I cannot name the mine, due to a ongoing investigation...but it was important to see that this manager was really impacted by this incident and recognised that he needed help just like the others that had been affected.
All he wants is for all people to be on the same page with safety and all go home the same way they arrived at work.

It was a hard lesson for all, even me on that day!

Rohan Sykes was selected and participated in the Commonwealth Games Queens Baton Relay in his home town of Geelong recently.

Congratulations Rohan...What a great achievement!

James presentation was spot on. He mentioned he is not a fan of public speaking, however our
group of Apprentices were highly attentive throughout his entire session.

James is great at telling his story and relating it back to them as individuals and to us as a business.
We do appreciate him being able tie together the human side of actions and choices within a workplace.

Tanya Fantini -  Change Business Partner - Westrac Cat

Friend, we would love to help you chose the right Safety Speaker for your business and assist you with your Safety Journey.

Give Vanessa a call to arrange a Safety Speaker for 2018.

Phone: 03 9730 2900

Woody's Words - Safety Video Messages

First time you have heard of Woody's Words?

Are new to the CNBSafe family?

Then check out two of the Woody's Words videos below...
Week 52 - Woody's Words Year Review             Week 78 - What is Woody's Words?
Click below and you will be automatically signed up to the Woody's Words list.  

Wheels in Motion
CNBSAFE Safety Speakers, PO Box 310, Yarra Glen Victoria 3775, Australia

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