CNBSafe Safety Speakers
Wheels in Motion Newsletter
January 2018 Newsletter
Edition 109

Hello Friend,

Welcome to the first newsletter for 2018.

I hope you all had a happy and safe end to the year.
Read my newsletter and reflect on some of the things that I write,
I'm not a safety professional with injury rates and statistics....
I'm a worker that got hurt at work.

We now have a team of other workers that also share their stories and we hope that you can use our information to stop yourself and your workmates from getting hurt at work.

This month I share how my 2017 was, Driving Safely,
Wisdom Vs Attitude Vs Advice, you need to Speak Up and
Alan achieves a milestone.

If you have any questions for me and the team please get in touch and we can have a chat.

Lets make 2018 the Safest Year Ever!

Take care and look out for each other.
James Wood & The CNBSafe Team
How'd you go?

Some people use the end of a year as a fresh start, resolutions, plans, goals. But some of us use it to end a bad year!....
"Glad that year is over it was shit!"

But it is a good opportunity for all of us to look back and look forward. For me personally it was a good year, I had a great year doing what I enjoy doing, travelling around and showing people how getting hurt will change your life! I can’t speak for the rest of the safety speakers but I hope they have achieved some personal growth with what they do.

My daughter finished her first year of school and I have enjoyed watching her grow, my sons have both bought houses this year with no assistance from me or other family members, both of them and their partners have done extremely well to save and purchase their first home, they are 20 and 25! My wife is also my business partner and we are working well together, but not only that we also enjoy each others company (Most of the time!)

And to top it all off my oldest son’s fiance is pregnant so I will soon be 'Granda Woody'.

So that’s my updates for now...How’d you go?

My one wish for all of you is to stay safe this year. I’ve been dealing with life in a wheelchair for 30 years now and I still hate it! It still impacts on people around me and stops me from doing some of the things that I should be able to do!

Stay Safe people, don’t get hurt!


What a shocker NSW has had over the last month or so. It seemed like every day there was another horrific crash on the roads.

The newsreaders tell us what happened in a short 30 second dramatic monologue, then it cuts to footage of mangled wrecks and parked emergency services vehicles with lights flashing…..

Then it’s onto the next story about a cute baby Panda born in a chinese zoo!

But let’s stop for a minute and think about what some of these families are now going through!

For the seriously injured there will be months, years of treatment and rehabilitation to try….
No guarantees….To regain the same function you had before the accident!

And for the ones that don’t make it (Fatalities) how does a family cope losing a parent, a sibling, a relative…. Or a friend?

Take care on the roads, driving is a privilege not a right!

Had some interesting conversations with my boys over the last couple of months. I mentioned above that they have both bought homes and one of them has a baby on the way. I suggested to both of them that they look into Income Protection Insurance….as a just in case measure.

The youngest son said to me "Won’t need it, I won’t get hurt" and we then had a discussion about after my accident I was lying in hospital screaming "This doesn’t happen to me!"

The oldest son said "Good idea Dad, I’ll look into it"

It made me think back to when I was their age, no one offered me the same advice, or even asked me to think about these things. Don’t get me wrong my parents did a great job with me, but I hope I can do an even better job with my kids in giving them advice and hopefully passing on some of my wisdom.


Over the last few years I’ve done a couple of things that I would not have done when I was younger. I’ve written feedback letters (Good and Bad) to hotels, airlines, businesses that I feel have done a really shit job or a really good job.

I’ve joined the Disability Advisory Committee on my local council.

I’ve made submissions to a couple of safety discussions or investigations and

I’ve tweeted, facebooked and instagrammed some safety issues I’ve seen.

Am I making a difference?

Who knows….. But my thoughts here are that if we all stay quiet then nothing gets done, but if a few of us…. or more start to raise some of these issues then maybe people who can do something about them might do something?.....

Something to think about...Speak up people!


After years of training and the advancement of bionics,
I can now do something I thought was gone forever.

On New Years Day...I had a beer with my Right Arm.

Happy New Year!!

Alan's Right Arm

Congratulations to Alan Newey!
Announced as a
finalist for the Hunter Safety Awards.
Winner will be shared on March 16th in Newcastle...Stay Tuned!

Have you done your Safety Plan for 2018?

Have you got a Safety Speaker as part of your Safety Plan?

Friend, we would love to help you chose the right Safety Speaker for your business and assist you with your Safety Journey.

Give Vanessa a call to arrange a Safety Speaker for 2018.

Phone: 03 9730 2900
Missing Woody's Words....

I will be back with the first Woody's Words for 2018 TOMORROW.

If this is the first time you have heard of Woody's Words  as you are new to the CNBSafe family.

Then check out two of my videos below...
Week 77 - Safe Christmas & Happy New Year    Week 52 - Woody's Words Year Review
Click below and you will be automatically signed up to the Woody's Words list.  

You can now subscribe to Woody’s Words and all CNBSafe videos on ITunes as a Podcast!

Watch or Listen to Woody’s Words at the car, on a run or while doing the chores!!

CNBSAFE Safety Speakers, PO Box 310, Yarra Glen Victoria 3775, Australia

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