Welcome to the 100th Editionof Wheels in Motion
Some of you have been with us for all of these Editions....
Yes over 9 years!!
This month I share a friend's experience with Drink Driving and
ask about Pool Covers & Burnouts. My long time friend Tanya shares her story on making a CHOICE. ENTER Woody's Words COMPETITION to be in the running for a FREE CHOICES The James Wood Story DVD Training Package
I want to share a story with you about Drink Driving.
Someone I know recently got done for D.U.I. But the sad thing about this is that they thought they were doing the right thing. They went out to a party, organised a lift to and from the party. But because they had to work the next day they actually left early and went home.
They left for work the next morning and told me they felt great, stopped for a sausage roll at the bakery on the way to work and continued on. A short time later they were pulled over into a roadside RBT. They told me that they felt fine and were not worried at all about being tested. I know this person is responsible because previously I have invited them over for a BBQ or dinner and they have said to me that they can’t drive because they went out last night!
They tested positive for alcohol and were taken back to the station for a further test. This person is on a provisional license and the limit is 0.0 and their license was cancelled for 6 months!
This person needs their license for work, so they had to move out of where they were staying and find somewhere closer to work. There is still a possibility that the employer may not be able to support them for the next 6 months without a license, they have had to arrange transport to and from work and to different job locations, the changes in a very short period have been huge!
Now the safety side of this story is that they did not get hurt or hurt anyone else. That would have been horrible. This person is quite lean and obviously it takes longer than most for the alcohol to get out of their system.
So next time you think you might be ok to drive……
Just have a think about it!
You might not be!
Pool Covers
Ok so this month I have a question for those of you who have a pool.
What do you think of Pool Covers?
I know my newsletter usually talks about a safety topic and you might be confused here but I’m concerned that Pool Covers are unsafe.
I have read a couple of articles where kids or even animals have fallen onto a pool cover and slipped down the side between the cover and the pool.
Now this is where I need to consult Dr Karl because I think the pool cover suctions to the water surface making it difficult to push the cover aside or up and get out from under the cover!
Anyway if you have a tip or suggestion or comment on pool covers please get in touch and I’ll share it in next month’s newsletter.
I know I waffle on some days so I thought you all might be interested in hearing a different story from a good friend of mine. Tanya was injured at the same time as me, we spent months in hospital together then many more months in rehab. She wanted to give you all a different perspective on how an injury will change your life! James Wood
When I had my accident, not only did I lose the ability to walk, I lost one thing that many people take for granted. This thing has nothing to do with my physical abilities and is totally out of my control but it can be crucial with many aspects of everyday life. Since becoming a paraplegic. I miss this thing just as much as I miss walking. I’ll give you a scenario and let’s see if you can guess what that one thing is?. I’m planning for my wedding, we have been saving money for years to go all out and spoil ourselves.
Ok let’s get to it and make this dream day happen! First the dress, I phone several wedding attire outlets, they give me their addresses, my Mum and bridesmaids make two days free to have a look at and choose dresses and have fittings done. We have a list of 10 places to visit, sadly only 3 of these places are wheelchair accessible. Ok, we visit these three places, I choose a dress, but I am honestly only 90% happy with it and I would have liked to have more of a variety to choose from. Now, let’s look at the wedding venues for the wedding and reception. I have always wanted a church wedding. I phone the church of our denomination, oh crap, another hiccup, there are 6 steps into the church and no ramp. Oh well, looks like it will have to be a garden wedding, bummer! Ok onto the reception venue. There’s this beautiful restaurant that is highly renowned for its wonderful food and exquisite wedding reception atmosphere. I phone them, yes, they have no steps and they are available the evening of the wedding, my elation quickly fades as they inform me that they do not have wheelchair accessible toilets. Oh well looks like it’s the local RSL Club for the reception. . Now to the exciting part- the honeymoon – yippee, can’t wait!! So excited! The secluded location we have chosen is only accessible by plane, I phone the airline to make a booking, they tell me that due to the size of the aircraft, that not only that I am not permitted to take my essential medical equipment but that I must be able to embark and disembark from their aircraft with minimal assistance; and because of no aerobridge access that all passengers must be able to safely walk up and down aircraft entry stairs. Oh well, let’s choose another location and see how we go. Finally, things are back on track, let’s recap. Dress Wedding Venue Wedding Reception Honeymoon Destination Now onto booking our accommodation for the honeymoon.....
I’m a petrolhead, I love my cars and have had some great ones over the years. I’ll also admit here that many years ago on the back roads of the country town I grew up in I have done a couple of Burnouts.
But have you noticed lately that every new housing estate, quiet roundabout, intersection with a bit of space…. Is being used for BURNOUTS!
A lot of it has got to do with the fact that a Toyota Corolla has enough power to spin the wheels these days, and cars are just getting more powerful. But maybe there needs to be something done before more people get hurt! Maybe we need to provide somewhere for people to take their cars and “Play” with them. Maybe the manufacturers can play a role here in building systems into a vehicle that does not let them do burnouts?
And maybe I’m just getting old enough and wise enough to see the potential risk of someone doing a burnout in a high powered vehicle with very little driving experience!
If you haven’t been watching Woody’s Words you need to start NOW…
Some great safety messages shared by your truly!
Check it out here...
But Woody is running out of things to talk about. So if you have a suggestion for a Woody’s Words send it through to us and you will go into the draw for a FREE CHOICES The James Wood Storytraining package. This is ideal for reinforcing the importance of taking responsibility for your own safety and for looking out for each other.
The package is valued at $1980.00 and will be drawn at the end of June. Send your suggestions to woody@cnbsafe.com.au
Friend here is Week 40, 41, 42 & 43 if you missed it....
Week 44 will be out next Wednesday...
Week 40 Week 41
Week 42 Week 43
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P.S. We have moved offices, our new contact details are: C&B Safe Pty Ltd Mailing: PO Box 310 Yarra Glen Vic 3775 Office: 68 Bell Street Yarra Glen Vic 3775 Ph: 03 9730 2900
CNBSAFE Safety Speakers, PO Box 310, Yarra Glen Victoria 3775, Australia