CNBSafe Safety Speakers

Wheels in Motion

October Newsletter Edition 94

Safety Speakers

Hi Friend,
 Welcome to the October Newsletter

What a Month...
All of our Safety Speakers have been around the country sharing their stories this month...thank you so much to all the businesses that engaged one of our Safety Speakers!

This month Michelle shares about her visits,
Rohan runs a marathon,
Anton is running a Safety Leadership course
and I talk about my butt!!

Chat again in November....

Take care and look out for each other.
James Wood & The CNBSafe Team
P.S.  We have moved offices, our new contact details are:
C&B Safe Pty Ltd
Mailing: PO Box 310   Yarra Glen  Vic 3775
Office: 68 Bell Street  Yarra Glen  Vic 3775
Ph:  03 9730 2900

Safety Month?   WTF!!!
By the time you read this we will have just completed safety week/month. Now the first thing about this is we can’t seem to decide whether we have a Safety Month or a Safety Week! Some states just do it for a week, whilst others do it for the whole month!
This frustrates the hell out of me, I mean if we can’t even agree on whether to have it for a week or a month then what hope have we got of making a national effort at stopping people from getting hurt.

The other thing that pisses me off about October (Safety Month or Week depending on where you work) is that we still get calls at the beginning of the month asking if we can get a Safety Speaker to share their message!

C’mon Safety People & Managers!
You have the whole year to plan, organise & book a speaker for your site. Don’t leave it till the last minute! 
Safety In Numbers

I’ve had a busy couple of busy months in delivering Alex’s message to our CNB Safe clients.  I recently travelled to WA for the first time and spent a week in Kambalda,WA at Goldfields St Ives & Independent Long Operations.
To put things into perspective, I delivered 11 presentations over 5 days which is mentally exhausting.
The days were long due to the super early morning starts, and I met some amazing people along the way.  But I also had some down time which allowed me to recharge my batteries during sessions. I happened to also find out where all the flies in Australia hibernate outside of summer. 

On a more serious note, it constantly humbles me that those attending my presentations are so respectful, some of what they hear although difficult to listen to, is pure reality and can be very confronting. At the end of each day, although the flights can be long, and the days can be long
Alex is worth every minute of it and by sharing his message provides our family with the hope that this never happens to you.
DSTO(Defence Science and Technology Group) Edinburgh SA is another client whom I presented to and it’s always nice to have the opportunity to keep my feet firmly on the ground by presenting in my own back yard.
Scientists , Managers and Admin staff for the Defence Science Technology Organisation were my targeted audience. It doesn’t matter a workers field of work, the message is the same and it’s great to see such a variety of businesses
Prepared to get that message across and especially during Safety Month.

Michelle’s Quote of the Month – 

Rohan Sykes

We are happy to announce that the C&B Safe family has a new member. Rohan Sykes has joined the team & wants to share his story with you and your people.

Rohan received burns to 35% of his body after a workplace incident. Rohan’s injuries could have been much less severe except for a communication breakdown at his workplace which saw no water available where he was working!

Rohan is married with two beautiful young children & he talks about how the incident happened & his life & family since he got hurt.  

Rohan talks about how a series of communication failures at the workplace drastically multiplied the injury that he sustained.

Rohan Sykes is available to share his story with your workplace.  

My arse is killing me

I know I seem to whinge a lot about this topic, but lately my bum has been quite painful. I suffer from nerve pain, its like a really severe case of sunburn all over my backside & the backs of my legs. Some days it is a 9 on the pain scale of 10!......

With 10 being F*#K this I can’t deal with it anymore! So hopefully it never gets to 10!
It’s quite constant too! I rarely have a day when I am pain free…… I can be having a great day doing things I love doing, but the pain is constantly there in the background!

Anyway I just wanted to share…… Makes me feel better knowing that you know that being in a wheelchair is not just all about getting around differently!

There is a lot more to it than that!

Congratulations to Rohan for completing the Melbourne Marathon.

Most people run a marathon as a personal goal, but Rohan recently ran the Melbourne Marathon to support his wife Claire who was last year diagnosed with a Neuroendocrine Tumour (NET) in her lung and raise money for the Unicorn Foundation.
If you would like to read more please click on the below link.

Happy Birthday Brother.. 

Just want to say Happy 50th Birthday to my younger brother Craig.

He is a great bloke with a beautiful family & I’m proud to call him my brother.

I’ll join you for a Coopers soon mate.

Anton is not just one our Safety Speakers he is also a Safety Leader & Facilitator….
For those of you in the Gladstone region on Friday 4th November Anton will be running his Safety Leadership Training. Click on details above and contact Anton directly if this is what you and your business need.

Hunter Safety Awards 
One Week to go to apply for the Hunter Safety Awards.
Submissions in by 4th November

Click here for details
November & December

Melbourne (VIC)     Sydney (NSW)        Ballarat (VIC)          Adelaide (SA)     Emerald (QLD)       Ringwood(VIC)
Gladstone (QLD)    Newcastle (NSW)
Shepparton (VIC)   Onslow (WA) 
Cobar (NSW)          Telfer (WA)

All of our Safety Speakers will travel anywhere in Australia and New Zealand….so let us know where you would like us to visit.  
Contact Vanessa on  or +61 3 9730 2900
Woody's Words

Thank you to everyone who is watching Woody’s Words…

Have you got any ideas for my weekly Safety Video topics? 
Is there anything you want me to show you? 
For example…
Do you want to see how I drive a car? 
Do you want to see how I get in & out of bed? 
Do you want to see how I get on & off the toilet?..... 

Feel free to send through your suggestions & I’ll see if I can do a Woody’s Words video to answer your questions.
Email me at

Friend here is Week 15 & 17 if you missed it.

Week 18 will be out next Wednesday...
Click below and you will be automatically signed up to the 
Woody's Words list.  

September Newsletter

Download & Print your copy of the newsletter here to share in Staff Room, Lunch Rooms, Notice Boards & anywhere you like.

Or read it on our website at anytime.

CNBSAFE Safety Speakers, PO Box 310, Yarra Glen Victoria 3775, Australia

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