
CNBSafe Safety Speakers

    September 2017 Newsletter
Edition 105

Safety Speakers
September 2017 Newsletter

September is a month of dates for me...

My son and daughter's birthday, my sister and two brother in law birthday's
and an eventful anniversary.
Annie had a Ninja Birthday Party and everyone got a Safety Notice!!

Have you secured your Safety Speaker for Safety Month?
Book a Safety Speaker

Till next month...Stay Safe Australia

Plus Woody's Words and
Where are our Safety Speakers?

Take care and look out for each other.
James Wood & The CNBSafe Team

Most of us have special days, our birthdays, the day we got married (or divorced), our kids birthdays, Grand Final day, Bathurst……

And many more days that we celebrate, enjoy, laugh and usually have a good time.

I’ve got an anniversary that I don’t enjoy and it’s that day that I got hurt at work.

It was the 23rd September at exactly 8.55am.

Each year when this date approaches I get a little reflective. In the past I have done different things on this date, I’ve shut myself in and done nothing, I’ve taken off up the bush with my dog, I’ve got drunk, I’ve tried to sleep through it.
I suppose the point I’m trying to make here is that when someone has a serious injury or gets killed it is something that stays with you and the people around you for the rest of their lives.

This year was a tough one for me. My daughter’s birthday is on the 22nd September! So I was trying to make sure that she had a great day and all of her friends and the parents we know had an enjoyable time at her party….. Knowing that the anniversary of my accident was just around the corner!
Don’t get me wrong here….. We got through it, I’ve got some great people around me that support me. My wife knows that this day is a significant day for me and allows me to do what I need to on this day.

But I sometimes wonder how others deal with these types of days?

If you have a day that you don’t like to celebrate let me know some of the things you do to get through it?.....

My daughter had her birthday this month, like many australian families we got sucked into the Australian Ninja Warrior TV show that was on recently. So she asked if she could have a Ninja Warrior Birthday Party.

The last couple of months my weekends have been busy building a kids Ninja Warrior course. I used old pallets, bits of timber, witches hats, a medicine ball, an elastic trailer net stretched out and a few other bits and pieces.

But a couple of weeks before the party my brother in law asked me if it was “Safe”?

Now while I was building the course I sanded all the pallets, covered edges with carpet, made sure that any pegs or stakes were not exposed and did everything that I thought would make it safe.

But because he asked the question it made me think about how safe it really was so I went over the course again and I did find a couple of things that I could make even safer.

So there is a good lesson here, you might think it is safe in the first place, but I’m sure if you give things a second look there are always ways to make things even safer!

Oh… and I also sent a letter to all parents explaining to them that it was a Ninja course and there was a possibility that their kids could slip, trip or fall and if this was a problem then don’t come to the party!

You can see my letter here
Annie’s Ninja Party Safety Notice.

Did you know that October is Safety Month?

It seems that every week or every month there is something we are meant to focus on.
But ask someone who has had a serious injury or someone close to them has been killed if they need a specific month or day to make them focus on what happened to them or to someone close to them!

The answer is NO….. every day after someone gets hurt or killed is a reminder of what has happened.

But it is important to remind others that have not been hurt or lost someone how important it is to go home each day and that is why we have
Safety Month.

We have some speakers still with dates available in October or even in November if that fits in better with your training plans so get in touch now and...

Woody's Words

ere is Week 61, 63, 64, & 65 if you missed it....

Week 66 - will be out next Wednesday...

Week 61 - Not Happy                   Week 63 - What the @#*&
Week 64 - New thongs                 Week 65 - Say Something!
Click below and you will be automatically signed up to the 
Woody's Words list.  

October & November

Melbourne (VIC)     Sydney (NSW)        Ballarat (VIC)          Adelaide (SA)  
Newcastle (NSW)   Mudgee (NSW)
Mildura (VIC)          Narrabeen (NSW)
Perth (WA)              Brisbane (QLD)     Geelong (VIC)         Port Melb (VIC)
Gladstone (QLD)    Wagga Wagga (VIC)
Oakleigh (VIC)        Moorabbin (VIC)
Bandiana (VIC)       Puckapunyal (VIC)
Braeside (VIC)        Henderson (WA)
Fremantle (WA)      Mentone (VIC)
Bondi (NSW)           Srathfield (NSW)

Greensborough (VIC)

All of our Safety Speakers will travel anywhere in Australia and New Zealand….so let us know where you would like us to visit.  
Contact Vanessa on  or +61 3 9730 2900
Safety Speakers
P.S.  We have moved offices, our new contact details are:
C&B Safe Pty Ltd
Mailing: PO Box 310   Yarra Glen  Vic 3775
Office: 68 Bell Street  Yarra Glen  Vic 3775
Ph:  03 9730 2900

CNBSAFE Safety Speakers, PO Box 310, Yarra Glen Victoria 3775, Australia
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