
CNBSafe Safety Speakers

    October 2017 Newsletter
Edition 106

Safety Speakers
October 2017 Newsletter

What a month....we are exhausted!!

Safety Month has been very busy, I bought  new car,
Michelle shares about travelling, Alan is on ABC Radio,
Rohan is in the queens baton Relay
& makes sure you get in contact if you would
like a personalised safety message.

Till next month...Stay Safe Australia

Plus Woody's Words and
Where are our Safety Speakers?

Take care and look out for each other.
James Wood & The CNBSafe Team

October has been Safety Month throughout Australia

This has meant our Safety Speakers have been travelling all over the country to deliver their safety message.

Here are some of the companies that committed to safety this month….

Awesome initiative from these business's and thank you for inviting our Safety Speakers to share their important messages.

Ok so I want you to think about this for a second. You have a car that you want, so you save or borrow the money so you can afford it. You have worked hard and want to enjoy the feeling of having something to show for the work that you do. You finally can afford it or you somehow find the exact model you want and make arrangements to buy it.

You travel to the owners house and when he opens the garage you see it and it looks better in real life than it did in the pictures that you have seen
You look over it, under the bonnet, in the boot, it is everything you have wanted for a long time so you ask if you can take it for a test drive…..

And the owner says “Yes”

But then you have to say to him “You will have to drive it for me mate because it does not have Hand Controls fitted.”

That’s a true story….. Recently I bought a second hand car and I had to ask the owner to take me for a drive in it because I could not drive it.

Every time I buy a new car I have to get Hand Controls fitted. It costs between $1500 to $3000 to get a set of controls fitted to my car and I usually have to book it in a couple of weeks in advance.

Think about that for a second, you and I could go out tomorrow and buy identical new cars, but I’d have to then fork out an extra $3K and wait a couple of weeks before I could drive mine!

Life in a Wheelchair Sucks sometimes!

If you would like me to deliver a personalised Safety Video message for your people in the lead up to Christmas please let me know.

I can tailor it to your people and ask them to stay focused in the high risk period leading up to Christmas or New Year message for when they return.

Give me a call or email and we can discuss what will work with your workplace.

Alan on the Radio

Alan shared his story with Worksafe Victoria this month and was interviewed on ABC Mildura Swan Hill Radio.

You can watch the radio interview here....

Great Work Alan!

A very proud Rohan Sykes has been chosen to carry the torch as part of the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Queen's Baton Relay.

Well done Rohan!

And great job to his wife Claire who nominated him without him knowing.

Often when we travel to a customer’s site, we end up in places that we have not otherwise been and I love that about my job.

BUT a big part of what we as Safety Speakers do is the need to remain focused because along with this, it presents other issues.

atigue from Travel

Travelling in unfamiliar territory at odd hours

Ensuring we look after our health by having adequate rest/sleep and food

It may not seem all that important, but in the scheme of things and what our job entails the picture is bigger than many realise.

Would I give it up tomorrow?

The answer is YES if that meant having my son back.

But knowing the impossible, then I thank Alex every time I travel to share his story. Because I am visiting some of the loveliest of places and meeting some of the most amazing people.

And for that I say THANKS!

Michelle Rath

Greg Smith attended our site during National Safe Work Month as part of our Safety Week program of events.

Two sessions were planned in order to ensure all personnel on site were able to attend from the technical workforce on the hangar floor, workshop and stores, to managers and supervisors, team leaders, engineers, administration, quality, commercial, procurement, safety and other office based personnel.

Greg story really resonated with the workforce as it was real, it began from hopes and dreams of the everyday teenager, the choices that were made, the accident, the impact, family and relationships,   the uncertainty, life or death and the present.
I would highly recommend engaging Greg to talk at your sites and organisations, to tell his story as to put it bluntly, many of us have been there….. Done that…. but fortunately have had a different outcome – FATIGUE affects us all not just in the workplace.   

Karen Roulston -  Senior SHE Advisor - BAE Systems
Woody's Words

ere is Week 66, 67, 68, & 69 if you missed it....

Week 70 - will be out next Wednesday...

Week 66 - Anniversaries            Week 67 - Darts Anyone?
Week 68 - Walking 200m           Week 69 - Test Drive
Click below and you will be automatically signed up to the 
Woody's Words list.  

November & December 2017

Melbourne (VIC)     Sydney (NSW)        Ballarat (VIC)          Adelaide (SA)  
Newcastle (NSW)   Mudgee (NSW)
Dandenong (VIC)   Colac (VIC)
Tatura (VIC)            
Perth (WA)            Brisbane (QLD)      Geelong (VIC)        
Gladstone (QLD)    Tanami (NT)
Henderson (WA)     Fremantle (WA)      
Greensborough (VIC)

All of our Safety Speakers will travel anywhere in Australia and New Zealand….so let us know where you would like us to visit.  
Contact Vanessa on  or +61 3 9730 2900
Safety Speakers
P.S.  We have moved offices, our new contact details are:
C&B Safe Pty Ltd
Mailing: PO Box 310   Yarra Glen  Vic 3775
Office: 68 Bell Street  Yarra Glen  Vic 3775
Ph:  03 9730 2900

CNBSAFE Safety Speakers, PO Box 310, Yarra Glen Victoria 3775, Australia
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